New Product: CLIOS G821: a large-size photomask inspection system for high-definition LCDs

High senstitivity inspection of large-size photomasks with advanced patterns for high-definition LCDs
Lasertec announced CLIOS G821, a new inspection system designed specifically to detect defects in large-size photomasks of high-definition liquid crystal displays (HD LCDs). HD LCDs are widely used on smart phones, tablet computers and HDTVs.
Lasertec has launched CLIOS G821, a highly advanced successor to 51MD Large-size photomask Inspection System, which has been acclaimed as a de facto industry standard of inspection tools for the 8th generation large-size photomasks. Lasertec starts to accept purchase orders this month.
Because of the necessity to meet requirements of HD LCDs, the most notable application being smart phones, and the latest HDTV format 4K2K, the demand for more finely patterned photomasks is growing fast. As a result of this and the widespread application of half-toned and gray-toned photomasks, mask patterns used in LCD production are becoming more complex and advanced rapidly.
In this background, inspection tools with a much higher sensitivity are strongly desired so that pattern defects in advanced photomasks can be inspected.
In order to meet the new inspection needs, Lasertec has commercialized CLIOS G821. Featuring a newly-developed optics, stage mechanism and detection circuit, CLIOS G821 is capable of performing inspections with an enhanced sensitivity while maintaining high throughputs.
- Furnished with the state-of-the-art optics including a g-line light source and a specially-designed objective lens, CLIOS G821 has a highly enhanced image resolution and defect detection capabilities (with a maximum detection sensitivity of 0.35μm, compared to 0.75μm by the previous models of Lasertec).
- A newly developed system with greatly enhanced resolution and image generation capabilities, CLIOS G821 can perform Die-to-Database inspections at a level hitherto achievable only in Die-to-Die inspections.
- Featuring a profile matching function based on our proprietary algorithms, CLIOS G821 automatically generates database images to perform optimum Die-to-Database inspections.
- Thanks to a new TDI sensor, a high-speed data-processing unit and a Double Database inspection function (optional), CLIOS G821 can perform inspections in a shorter time than previously possible.
- Equipped with a dedicated microscope, CLIOS G821 is uniquely capable of performing full-color image reviews.
- Pellicle mounting can be performed inside the chamber of CLIOS G821 (optional).
- Outgoing inspections of large-size photomasks for HD LCDs.
- Incoming and periodic inspections of large-size photomasks for HD LCDs.