Questions about general company information

When was Lasertec founded?

Lasertec was founded in 1960 as Tokyo ITV Laboratory and incorporated in 1962 as NJS Corporation.

What was the trigger of the company's foundation?

Yasushi Uchiyama, the company's founder, initially worked for a major manufacturer of electronic products, but he had a passion for creating his own products, especially something nobody had ever made before, and decided to start his own business. It triggered the foundation of Tokyo ITV Laboratory in 1960.

Why is the company named Lasertec?

NJS Corporation was renamed Lasertec Corporation in 1986 when we successfully developed the world's first color laser scanning microscope and started exploring new business opportunities outside the semiconductor market. By adopting the new name, we clearly identified ourselves with our core "applied optical technology," hoping to create a new corporate image. It was not an easy decision since NJS was a famous high-tech venture in Japan and widely known in the semiconductor industry for its success in the development of LSI photomask inspection system. We shed the old name, nonetheless, expressing our determination to keep creating new cutting-edge products without looking back at our past record.

Give us a quick rundown on the history of the company.

We succeeded in developing the world's first LSI photomask inspection system in 1976, helping customers achieve a dramatic cost reduction in the semiconductor industry and giving us a foundation for future business growth. We then developed a confocal color laser microscope using our optical technology. Thereafter, we launched various epoch-making products including LCD photomask inspection system and semiconductor mask blank inspection system, both of which became de facto standard tools in their respective industries. In 2008, we relocated to a new corporate office with a R&D facility at the current location in Shin-yokohama, enhancing our ability to produce better and larger systems to meet new market needs.

What is your corporate philosophy?

Our corporate philosophy is "Inventing for your success, inventing for the future" (English translation). We are dedicated to providing unique new products to address various customer challenges while deepening our knowledge of applied optical technologies and engaging in rapid product development.

What is the area of your business?

Semiconductor-related products are our primary area of business. We also develop, manufacture, sell, and provide service for FPD-related systems and laser microscopes.

What are your strengths?

Our primary strength is our ability to exercise rapid product development using our core technology in applied optics. Our fab-lite strategy allows us to focus on development efforts by outsourcing production to third parties who have technical skills while retaining manufacturing knowhow in-house.

Where is your head office?

2-10-1 Shin-yokohama, Kohoku-ku, City of Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan

Questions about stock

On which stock exchange is your stock listed?

Lasertec stock has been listed on the Prime market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange since April 4, 2022. Previously, it was listed on the over-the-counter exchange of Japan in 1990, on JASDAQ in 2004, and on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on March 15, 2013. Our securities code is 6920.

When is your annual general meeting of shareholders held?

Our annual general meeting is held near the end of September each year. A notice announcing the date and time, and the venue of the annual general meeting will be dispatched in early September to the shareholders of record as of June 30. The information of the annual general meeting will also be posted on our website.

The notice of annual general meeting of shareholders (and voting form) did not reach me. Who should I contact for inquiry?

Please contact Stock Transfer Agency Business Planning Dept. at Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank (toll free dial 0120-782-031), which handles the administration of shareholder records.

What is your dividend policy?

Our basic policy is to flexibly pay dividends based on performance while maintaining steady profit distribution to shareholders. The guideline of dividend payout ratio is 35% on a consolidated basis.

I did not receive a dividend receipt. Who should I contact for inquiry?

Dividend receipts are usually mailed to shareholders in early March for interim dividend and at the end of September for year-end dividend. For inquiry, please contact Stock Transfer Agency Business Planning Dept. at Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank (toll free dial 0120-782-031), which handles the administration of shareholder records.

Questions concerning financial results

When is the end of your fiscal year? When do you announce your financial results?

The end of our fiscal year is June 30 each year. We announce our financial results quarterly and hold results briefings for analysts and institutional investors semiannually after the second quarter and after the end of each fiscal year. Please go to the IR calendar on our website to see the schedule of our future results announcements.

Where can I find the information of your recent financial results?

Please click on "Consolidated Financial Results" at IR Library on the Investor Relations page of our website. If we make a revision to our forecast of financial results, it will be posted on IR News on the Investor Relations page as well.

Who is your financial auditor?

PricewaterhouseCoopers Japan LLC.

How many consolidated subsidiaries do you have? Give us their names.

We have 5 consolidated subsidiaries. They are Lasertec U.S.A. Inc., Lasertec Korea Corp., Lasertec Taiwan Inc., Lasertec China Co., Ltd., and Lasertec Singapore Pte. Ltd.