Information Disclosure Policy

Lasertec discloses information to shareholders, investors and other stakeholders in a fair and timely manner to facilitate their accurate understanding about the company and to win their confidence.

Methods of information disclosure

  • We make timely disclosures via TDnet as required by the relevant regulations and post the same information on our corporate website.
  • We give a briefing of financial results quarterly to analysts and post all the briefing materials on our corporate website.
  • We present information both in Japanese and in English to make fair disclosures for foreign investors. However, there may be some delay in posting the information in English because of the time required for translation.

Materials used for information disclosure

  • Quarterly report of financial results, and quarterly securities report
  • Fact sheet, newsletter to shareholders, and news release
  • Briefing material for analysts, and IR FAQs

Information disclosure process flow

Silent period

The period from the day after the end of a financial quarter until the time of financial disclosure is a silent period, and we refrain from discussing financial results during this period. However, if there is a revision to our forecast of financial results and/or dividend payment, we will make a timely disclosure regardless of whether we are in a silent period. We will also be able to answer questions about the information we have already disclosed.