Human rights policy

Lasertec, as stated in its corporate action principles, respects the human rights and personality of employees and, as a good corporate citizen, adheres to the laws, regulations, social norms and other responsibilities, and respects the human rights of all people including those in the local communities and business partners.

  1. 1Respect for international norms and standards regarding human rights

    We respect the United Nation (UN)'s International Bill of Human Rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), and the International Labor Organization (ILO)'s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We follow the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and engage in actions in furtherance of our commitment to respect for human rights.

  2. 2Compliance with laws and regulations

    We comply with all relevant labor laws and regulations, including Japan's Labor Standard Act, Industrial Safety and Health Act, Labor Union Act, and Worker Dispatch Law. We comply with laws and regulations in every country and region where we operate.

  3. 3Prohibition of child labor and forced labor

    We prohibit the employment of minors who have not reached the legal working age (child labor) under the laws and regulations of each country and region where we operate. We also prohibit any form of forced or involuntary labor (forced labor).

  4. 4Prevention of harassment

    We prevent all forms of harassment including sexual harassment and power harassment.

  5. 5Respect for diversity

    We prohibit discrimination based on ethnicity, race, nationality, land of origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, pregnancy, religion, credo, political affiliation, union membership, veteran status, protected genetic information or marital status.

  6. 6Commitment to occupational health and safety in the workplace and product safety

    We put the highest priority on the protection of occupational health and safety in the workplace to ensure that everyone works in a safe and healthy environment. In this respect, we will identify the cause of occupational accidents that have occurred, list up all the factors that may become the cause of accidents, and adopt corrective measures. By taking these actions, we will keep a good workplace environment and prevent job-related accidents. We are also committed to preventing product failures from causing harm to the customer's life and health. In this respect, we will take the maximum precaution when designing and manufacturing products and provide excellent quality products to prevent product-related accidents.

  7. 7Respect for freedom of association, and the right of collective bargaining

    We engage in collective bargaining in compliance with local laws and regulations. We respect the right of employees to form or join a labor union. We also respect the right of employees who refrain from participating in union activities.

  8. 8Prevention of low wage labor (labor below minimum wage)

    We pay compensation to employees in compliance with all the relevant laws concerning minimum wage and overtime and with those concerning worker's benefits and welfare. Overtime wages will be paid at a higher rate than normal in compliance with applicable local law.

  9. 9Adequate working hours and vacations for good work-life balance

    We make sure that our working hours will not exceed the limit set by applicable local law and that we will comply with the laws and regulations concerning the limit of overtime hours. We observe local laws and regulations for the provision of holidays and vacations to employees.

  10. 10No complicity in conflicts and human rights abuses through procurement of minerals

    It is our policy that we reasonably assure that the tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold in the products we manufacture does not directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups that are perpetrators of serious human rights abuses in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or an adjoining country.

  11. 11Respect for privacy of customers, employees and other stakeholders, and protection of personal information

    We respect the privacy of all stakeholders including customers, employees and suppliers, and take reasonable measures to protect their personal information. We comply with the provisions of laws and regulations concerning privacy and information security.

Whistleblower protection system

We have set up a compliance helpline to receive reports and questions from the executives and employees of the headquarters and subsidiaries concerning compliance-related matters including human rights issues. This helpline has an impartial external contact point, and accepts reports and questions received via any means of communication including mail, electronic mail, facsimile, telephone, and interview. These reports and questions may be sent anonymously or with names. Whistleblowers are protected against any form of unfavorable treatment under our internal rules.


This human rights policy will be announced widely to our employees at the headquarters and subsidiaries and to our business partners. It will be posted on our corporate Intranet site and made available for review at all time. We will send a letter of request concerning CSR to our business partners and ask for their cooperation to our commitment to respect for human rights.